CRU|SVC weststation
A territorial view: 3 valleys, 3 emerging metropolitan landscapes. The perimeter of the CRU invites us to consider 3 landscape systems: the railway valley, the canalized valley and the cultivated valley. The railway valley, whose backbone is the future L28 pedestrian walkway, crosses the perimeter of the CRU. On the scale of the region, the reclamation of railway embankments and derelict areas represents an opportunity to rethink future ecological networks. The canalized valley borders the southern fringe of the perimeter, we consider the canal as an important infrastructure for active mobility. The cultivated valley connects the future Ninove Park to the Scheutbos Park and the hinterland.
We use the term emergent to mean that these three landscapes are not currently represented in the collective imagination of the inhabitants of Brussels. We use the term metropolitan to recognize in these 3 valleys important supports and levers for structuring projects beyond the regional scale. We consider the CRU as a way to act on the meeting of these 3 emerging metropolitan landscapes.

Sint-Jans-Molenbeek - Anderlecht
Urban renewal contract 3: Weststation
Brussels-Capital Region
108.15 ha
Design team: Taktyk, Petra Pferdmenges.
Reflection group: Christine Schaut, Caroline Claus, Annebelle Van Nieuwenhuyse, Mariska Vogel